June Pak is an interdisciplinary artist based in Toronto, Canada. Her practice is grounded in the intersection of visual art and history, politics and ethnicity, and the tradition of oral storytelling.

She was born in Seoul, South Korea, and currently lives in Toronto, Canada. Coming from her personal experience of living in Canada as a Korean-Canadian, the hyphenated identity is a central theme in her practice. With her work, she seeks non-binary ways to articulate the complex lives of the marginalized. Her works have been shown in Canada and abroad. She received numerous grants for her projects from the Canada Council for the Arts, the Ontario Arts Council, and the Toronto Arts Council. She was awarded the K.M Hunter Artist Award in Visual Arts (2004) and the Chalmers Arts Fellowship for her research in Korea (2017-2019). She teaches as a part-time lecturer at the University of Toronto (Visual Studies program) and at OCAD University (Cross-Disciplinary Art and Integrated Media Programs). She is currently leading a project titled Story Seekers with Choe Rayun, Kim Mi-Ryeon, Koh Seung Wook, kimura byol lemoine and Park Jiwon (Korea and Canada) with support from the special strategic project between the Art Council Korea and the Canada Council of the Arts.